You shouldn’t trust the Internet. It is dangerous and because most people do not fully comprehend the technology and inner workings, it is hard to understand how and when you are in danger. And yet, as we become more and more reliant on Internet, we clearly need to use it. The Internet was invented by people with large ideological ideas which completely trusted each other. Yet it was conceived to withstand a nuclear bomb and keep on functioning. It appears that the threats we encounter are quite different though. As you are using Internet banking and started to buy stuff on-line, it seems ‘they’ are out there to steal your money or, worse, your identity.
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A secure blanket
unstash in Java
It has been ten years ago – 1999 – since the (in)famous unstash-script came out. It was a cryptic PERL script, which could read IBM’s stash files and deliver you the ‘encrypted’ password.
I was in need of the script, as I lost a password from a cryptocraphic key database and got stuck as I had no PERL installed. So I decided to create a Java-version of this script, because Java is always available when you are installing most IBM products. You may use it to your liking.
For an explanation how it works and a link to download the jar-file, please read on!
Passwords are not safe
I was recently confronted with a new password policy: my password needed to be a combination of 8 to 12 characters with only numbers and letters. And the numbers were not allowed to be at the beginning or end. My solution was a combination of a standard word with my zip code. But I am not convinced that it is a good password. I will not be able to remember it easily, as it differs from all my other password.
The more you work with computers, the more passwords you generate. I have to remember so many passwords that I use a program to store most of them. It is not the best option but I can only remember so much.
This is, the personal domain of Jeroen Zomer.
A strelitzia is a special kind of flower. Although Jeroen doesn't have green fingers, his wife has. They both have some special, undefinable feelings for the strelitzia. It was chosen in the blink of an eye back in 2001 when only companies could register a .nl domain. somehow stuck.
Jeroen lives in The Netherlands, with his wife and beautiful daughter. He is trying to learn to play the guitar, loves cats and likes his BMW R1150GS motorcycle. He owns and operates many computers, running Windows, OSX, Linux and FreeBSD.
He specialized in IBM WebSphere and IBM security products. Jeroen works as a consultant and IT architect in internet technology and IT security related areas.
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