I was recently asked to give a training to a technical staff to help them improve their skills. Their manager asked me if I could help them improve on troubleshooting skills and problem management. I thought about it for a long time, but it seems very hard to teach a group to ‘troubleshoot’. So I moved this to one-on-one training sessions and decided to change the training to soft skills with the motto: “What works for me”. I like to share some of these with you.
smart lazyness
I am lazy. I admit it. I wouldn’t know how to cope with the information overload otherwise. You know what: Actually being lazy keeps me quite busy. You need to be lazy and apply it in a smart way.
Being lazy is not about doing nothing. It is about not remembering, because things are obvious. It tries to work on the “don’t make me think” paradigm. Whenever you have a choice, you stop and have to make a decision. This takes time and effort. We need to remove the little, interfering choices.
This is strelitzia.net, the personal domain of Jeroen Zomer.
A strelitzia is a special kind of flower. Although Jeroen doesn't have green fingers, his wife has. They both have some special, undefinable feelings for the strelitzia. It was chosen in the blink of an eye back in 2001 when only companies could register a .nl domain. Strelitzia.net somehow stuck.
Jeroen lives in The Netherlands, with his wife and beautiful daughter. He is trying to learn to play the guitar, loves cats and likes his BMW R1150GS motorcycle. He owns and operates many computers, running Windows, OSX, Linux and FreeBSD.
He specialized in IBM WebSphere and IBM security products. Jeroen works as a consultant and IT architect in internet technology and IT security related areas.
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